
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Hurry Up! It’s A Limited Time Offer

Ubqari Magazine - February 2020

Over Menstruation: Crush and mix white mosli one tola, white patha one tola, psyllium one tola, crystalized sugar one chhattak. Take one spoon each in a day and get benefit.

(Dr. Zafar Hameed Malik, Attock City)

Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Alaikum! May Allah Almighty reward you with blessings and health. I would like to share an article with Ubqari readers.

Dear readers! Whenever new product is going be launched then it is offered at lowest price for its promotion. It’s also advised that this offer is for a limited period. And then we hurry up to get it. If a question is asked with someone about his age the answer may vary. But answer will same if question is about how long would he live more? And the answer is “don’t know” nobody knows whether he may able to breathe in next moment or not. Despite knowing this open fact everyone is running in the race of money making. Has anyone ever thought that offer is for a limited period?

I therefore make a humble request to all readers that whenever they start their day then stand up, extend your arms as if you are performing in an advertise and say “this is a limited time offer” for a few times. Failure to not availing this offer may lead us to face a long journey with an unlimited offer. Then, there would be nothing left except for regret. Many came in this world like me and you and left. Some lived for as many as four hundred years and some as little as less than one day. But everyone had left. Those also left who built strong castle as if they would live here forever.

So who got benefit from this offer? Only those who understood in a real manner that this offer is valid for limited time. They didn’t plan for several years rather for that day. Therefore, it’s best practice to give away something to somebody today if you have aim to do so. Tell something useful to somebody today instead of waiting for other day.

Don’t wait for next day if you want to write in Ubqari magazine and share something with others. This is a limited time offer. Perhaps you would be no more tomorrow. Several medics left this world aiming that they would transfer their knowledge next day. But they could never see that next day and offer was offer. Those who understood this fact managed to transfer their knowledge to others and shared their experiments. Today, their names are written with golden words.

For example, x-ray is a minor thing. But had its inventor kept this knowledge limited within his own then today no one could know it.  We hear the word of x-ray whether it’s a minor accident or a bigger crash to know the nature and size of damage. Right assessment leads towards right direction of cure. Now imagine about a person who saves the humanity several times in a day. If somebody saved one life, it’s like that he saved the whole humanity. 

This rule is not limited to giving knowledge only. Apply this formula for all good deeds. For example, if you have aim to plant a tree then do it today and don’t wait for tomorrow. You will get benefit only when your planted tree would give benefit to others. Do something which may become an ongoing donation for your parents, children and loved ones. We need this ongoing donation / charity, as this is the thing which benefit we get not only in this life but also hereafter. Installing a fan in a mosque and water pump in a mosque and so one are examples of ongoing charity. I therefore request you to get benefit of this limited time offer. You have very limited time. It’s better for you to get benefit from this offer as soon as possible. 

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